Over Two Decades Of Experience Serving The People Of Michigan

Experienced Help With Misdemeanor Charges

A misdemeanor is a “lesser” crime than a felony. However, I know that if you have been charged with or arrested for a crime — no matter how petty that crime is — it can be a frightening and confusing experience. If you or a loved one is facing a misdemeanor charge, turn to me, an Mount Clemens misdemeanor charges attorney, for the skilled, nonjudgmental legal help you deserve.

Being charged with a misdemeanor crime can cause you to feel ashamed or powerless. I understand that you may be feeling these emotions, and I take immediate action to start building your defense. Contact me today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Are You Facing Misdemeanor Charges?

If convicted of a misdemeanor, you could face up to 93 days in jail. In addition to limited freedom, you could face consequences to your reputation and employment opportunities. As your defense attorney, I take these potential punishments very seriously and work vigorously to fight for your rights.

Please talk to me today if you or a family member is facing misdemeanor charges such as:

As an Mount Clemens misdemeanor charges attorney, my approach is to thoroughly examine and understand all circumstances of your arrest, the criminal and administrative procedures used in your case and all other relevant factors. I then build a strong defense on your behalf to help minimize the consequences of the charges.

Contact Me For Personal Attention

Whether you are looking for a knowledgeable lawyer for domestic violence issues, assault charges or drunk driving defense, you can turn to me with confidence. Schedule your free initial consultation today by calling The Law Offices of J. A. Hlywa, P.C. at 586-251-0464. You can also contact me online.